ACHPER ebook Play With Purpose: For Fundamental Movement Skills Tea

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sku: 9780994175229

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  • ISBN: 9780994175229
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A teaching guide for early years and primary educators for physical education and daily PE. Fundamental Movement Skill development is an important part of the curriculum. Children’s perceptions of self as competent, confident and socially accepted within physical activity contexts influences their positive mind towards physical activity seeking behaviour, as well as potentially influencing academic outcomes. Essentially, Fundamental Movement Skills developed in the early and primary years are not only necessary in meeting preparing for the curriculum expectations of middle and senior years’ physical education, but necessary cognitive, physical and social preparation for the lifelong pursuit of active and healthy living. This resource focuses on locomotor and manipulative skills to develop the basis upon which the movement skills of recreational games and modified sport can be taught.

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ISBN 9780994175229
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