Cambridge University Press ebook Health and Wellbeing in Childhood 4E

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sku: 9781009339513

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  • ISBN: 9781009339513
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Health and Wellbeing in Childhood provides a fundamental introduction for educators in key priority areas of health and wellbeing education, including physical education, promoting health in childhood, and strengthening social and emotional learning in young children. It approaches each topic with childhood diversity and complexity in mind. The fourth edition has been comprehensively updated and continues to explore relevant standards and policies, including the revised Early Years Learning Framework. It includes a new chapter on executive functions in early childhood, focusing on the development of higher-order skills required for children to engage in purposeful and goal-directed behaviours. Each chapter features case studies that exemplify practice; spotlight boxes that provide further information on key concepts; and pause and reflect activities, end-of-chapter questions and learning extensions that encourage readers to consolidate their knowledge and further their learning.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cambridge University Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781009339513
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A