Cambridge University Press ebook Managing Change

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sku: 9781108363716

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  • ISBN: 9781108363716
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Managing Change: Enquiry and Action, Australasian edition offers a fresh perspective of change theory with contemporary examples providing students with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of change within organisations. The book features notions of innovation, disruption and agile learning that are necessary in an intensified business world. Using an enquiry-action framework, the text is separated into three parts: diagnosing, explaining and enacting to combine theory with the practical tools needed to understand and manage change. Cases reinforce student understanding and focus on actions and outcomes while a selection of fifteen extended cases bring different concepts together. Written by leading professionals, Managing Change: Enquiry and Action, Australasian Edition is an essential resource for students looking to develop a strong skills base that can be employed in practice.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cambridge University Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781108363716
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A