Cengage Learning ebook Advertising, Promotion, and other aspects of Integrate

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  • ISBN: 9798214337166
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Advertising, Promotion, and other aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications

Explore all aspects of marketing communications, from time-honored methods to the newest developments in the field backed by the latest research, data and analytic techniques with one of today’s leading IMC texts, ADVERTISING, PROMOTION, AND OTHER ASPECTS OF INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS, 10E. With emphasis on the fundamentals and practices you need, this edition focuses on advertising and sales promotion, planning, branding, consumer behavior, media buying, public relations, packaging, POP communications, and personal selling. You explore emerging topics, such as today’s popularity of apps, social media outlets, online and digital practices, and viral communications, as well as their impact on traditional marketing.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9798214337166
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A