Cengage Learning ebook Culture and Psychology 7E

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sku: 9798214341316

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  • ISBN: 9798214341316
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Culture and Psychology

Clearly demonstrate how and why culture influences mental processes and behaviors in humans with Matsumoto/Juang/Hwang's market-leading CULTURE AND PSYCHOLOGY, 7E. Updates throughout this edition examine the most recent, insightful information in each major area of psychology from a cross-cultural perspective. The authors leverage the most relevant theory and latest research to highlight the connection between culture and psychology. This edition's engaging narrative uses a cross-cultural framework to highlight the tools for evaluating psychological processes and principles from a contemporary cultural viewpoint. Content and learning features encourage students to question traditionally held beliefs and theories and their relevance to today's various cultural groups. Students also learn to apply concepts to their own lives. The edition is an invaluable tool for anyone interacting with people of different cultures.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9798214341316
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A