Cengage Learning ebook Guide to Networking Essentials 8E

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sku: 9798214344881

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  • ISBN: 9798214344881
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Guide to Networking Essentials

Tomsho's GUIDE TO NETWORKING ESSENTIALS, Eighth Edition, gives students the knowledge and hands-on skills to work with network infrastructure devices and network operating systems in a small to midsize network environment. Focusing on troubleshooting and computer networking technologies, it provides a comprehensive introduction to network protocols and network devices, including wireless and cybersecurity technologies. Directly integrated in each chapter, Challenge Labs and Hands-On Projects offer in-class experiential learning. Updated content reflects the latest networking technologies and operating systems, includes new Ethernet standards and adds an Internet of Things (IoT) chapter. Certification mapping is added to the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA Exam 98-366) in Networking Fundamentals.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9798214344881
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A