Cengage Learning ebook Health Assessment and Physical Examination 4E

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sku: 9780170294119

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  • ISBN: 9780170294119
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Health assessment is a process that evaluates the whole person as a physical, psychosocial and functional being, whether they’re young or old, well or ill. This market-leading text presents health assessment, physical examination information and skills for health professionals who complete these types of assessments. Health Assessment and Physical Examination takes you from basic concepts to more advanced health assessment. It uses the ENAP (Examine-Normal-Abnormal-Pathophysiology) approach to allow you to collect useful information. A case study at the end of each chapter walks you through an assessment example. The text includes advanced topics as well as ‘Urgent findings’, which highlights serious or life-threatening signs and critical assessment findings that need immediate attention.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780170294119
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A