Cengage Learning ebook Intentional Interviewing and Counseling 10E: Facilitat

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sku: 9798214357195

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  • ISBN: 9798214357195
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Introduce Ivey/Ivey/Zalaquett's microskills model with INTENTIONAL INTERVIEWING AND COUNSELING: FACILITATING CLIENT DEVELOPMENT IN A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 10E. Validated by more than 600 data-based studies and years of field testing, the hallmark microskills approach in this edition enables students from any background to master step-by-step skills for successful listening and influencing as they conduct full interviews. Students are challenged to reevaluate behaviors and perceptions and gain insights about themselves as they learn how to address individual and multicultural uniqueness, conduct interviews using different theoretical approaches and personalize their own style of interviewing and counseling. The latest content addresses telehealth and trauma counseling and examines the effects of stress and the pandemic with greater emphasis on attending behavior and empathy. Updates also explores new developments in neuroscience and neurobiology and their applications in counseling today.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9798214357195
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A