Cengage Learning ebook International Economics

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sku: 9781337671224

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  • ISBN: 9781337671224
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Discover the proven, market-leading book that is a favorite for its clear, concise treatment of international trade and finance theory. Carbaugh's INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, 17E uses a wealth of contemporary examples and practical applications to vividly demonstrate the relevance of the theory to today's real economic issues and global policy questions. The author presents both written and graphical discussions, making the book highly understandable even for readers who have little economics background. This edition reflects the latest theoretical developments with a continued emphasis on current applications. This distinctive approach has readers claiming, ""If it’s clear, concise, and contemporary, it has to be Carbaugh."

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781337671224
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A