Cengage Learning ebook Living in the Environment 20E

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sku: 9798214347806

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  • ISBN: 9798214347806
Cengage Learning ebook Living in the Environment 20E
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Packed with captivating illustrations from National Geographic and MindTap's anywhere, anytime digital learning tools, Miller/Spoolman's LIVING IN THE ENVIRONMENT, 20th edition, empowers you with the knowledge and inspiration to make a difference in solving today's environmental issues. Emphasizing sustainability, the authors offer clear introductions to numerous environmental problems and balanced discussions to evaluate potential solutions. Up-to-date coverage includes no-till farming, CRISPR gene editing, phosphate crisis, genetically engineered foods, lithium supplies, recycling threats, economics and climate change, and more. Exercises throughout sharpen your critical-thinking skills, while Core Case Studies help you apply what you've learned. MindTap's exclusive content includes concept animations and conceptual learning activities to help you understand key environmental issues.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9798214347806
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A