Cengage Learning ebook Organisational Behaviour 2E: Engaging People and Organ

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sku: 9780170295147

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Quick Overview

  • ISBN: 9780170295147
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  • Guide your learning' questions at the beginning of each chapter encourage students to begin thinking about the topics ahead
  • End-of-chapter case studies with questions that ask students to reflect on the case from a mainstream and critical perspective teach students real-life applications while also asking them to think critically about the learning material
  • Griffin’s unique, integrated learning model captures levels of analysis not covered by the basic OB model therefore providing a more comprehensive and contemporary study of Organisational Behaviour
  • The unique ‘critical perspective’ features challenge the traditional managerial perspective by introducing abstract ideas and encouraging critical thinking
  • MindTap - Premium online teaching and learning tools are available on the MindTap platform - the personalised eLearning solution. MindTap is a flexible and easy-to-use platform that helps build student confidence and gives you a clear picture of their progress. MindTap for Griffin's Organisational Behaviour is full of innovative resources to support critical thinking, and help your students move from memorisation to mastery! Includes: Griffin's Organisational Behaviour eBook; knowledge checks, concept clips, 'You make the decision' activities; self-assessments; revision quizzes; NEW group exercises and 'On the job' videos. MindTap is a premium purchasable eLearning tool. Contact your Cengage learning consultant to find out how MindTap can transform your course.
  • Instructor Website - Your #1 resource for your course. This tailored collection of teaching tools includes downloadable PowerPoint lecture slides, Instructor's Manual, Student Solutions Manual, and Test Bank with customisable questions for quizzes and assessments. Log in or request an account to access instructor resources at au.cengage.com/instructor/account for Australia or nz.cengage.com/instructor/account for New Zealand.
  • Cognero Test Bank. A bank of questions has been developed in conjunction with the text for creating quizzes, tests and exams for your students. Create multiple test versions in an instant and deliver tests from your LMS, your classroom, or wherever you want using Cognero. Cognero test generator is a flexible online system that allows you to import, edit, and manipulate content from the text's test bank or elsewhere, including your own favourite test questions.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780170295147
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A