Cengage Learning ebook Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences 8E: Teaching a

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sku: 9780170296069

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  • ISBN: 9780170296069
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Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences 8th edition prepares you to develop and implement lessons in the humanities and social sciences learning areas from F-10. It successfully blends theory with practical approaches to provide a basis for teaching that is engaging, inquiry-based and relevant to students’ lives. Chapters on history, geography, civics and citizenship, and economics and business discuss the nature of these subjects and how to teach them to achieve the greatest benefit for students. With the aid of this valuable text, you can assist primary, middle and secondary students to become active and informed citizens who contribute to a just, democratic and sustainable future.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780170296069
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A