Cengage Learning ebook The Art of Writing About Art

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sku: 9781305179905

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  • ISBN: 9781305179905
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THE ART OF WRITING ABOUT ART serves as a quick reference for writing various types of essays, research papers, exhibition reviews, and even examinations. The premise of the book is that students in all disciplines, not just English, should be required to write well and that their instructors should hold these writing assignments to high standards. THE ART OF WRITING ABOUT ART not only emphasizes skills in college-level composition, but also in verbalizing the experience of art -- the historical, social, economic, and political forces that shape art and artists; art theory; and the interplay between artist and viewer.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781305179905
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A