Cengage Learning ebook The Leadership Experience 8E

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sku: 9798214347325

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  • ISBN: 9798214347325
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The Leadership Experience

Give students the critical leadership skills and solid understanding of theory to become effective leaders during turbulent times with Richard Daft's THE LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE, 8E. This edition combines extensive, in-depth scholarly research with examples from hundreds of leaders in real organizations and dozens of new experiential exercises. Students explore the latest insights in leadership theory and contemporary leader behavior. Revisions address traditional leadership topics as well as emerging developments, including leading agile, hybrid and remote work teams; establishing growth mindsets; encouraging mindfulness; embracing diversity and leading with love versus fear. Content also addresses moral awareness, optimism bias, leading with grit, a leader's responsibility to followers, creating a healthy culture and collective activism. Memorable examples and unique thoughts behind actual leadership decisions make topics further come alive.

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Authors N/A
Brand Cengage Learning
Edition N/A
ISBN 9798214347325
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A