Churchill Livingstone ebook Community Health and Wellness 5E: Primary Health Care

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sku: 9780729582230

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  • ISBN: 9780729582230
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Community Health and Wellness
Primary Health Care in Practice

What makes a healthy community? And how can nurses and midwives support community health and wellbeing? In Community Health and Wellness, 4th Edition: Primary health care in practice, authors Anne McMurray and Jill Clendon advance the discussion of health as a product of the interaction between people and their environment. Engagingly written and based on extensive research, this valuable nursing textbook is ideal for nursing students as well as those working in the field. Issues such a gender and cultural inclusiveness provide essential backdrops to evidencebased policy, research and the provision of equitable health care for all. The Miller Family case study This new edition of Community Health and Wellness features a common family case study running throughout the text. The Miller family crosses Australia and New Zealand; providing examples of primary health care issues in both countries. These include child health services, accessing care, adolescent health, contemporary family issues, ageing, cultural support and inclusive health care. . global insights with a focus on primary health care practice in Australia and New Zealand . promotion of community health care across the lifespan . a unique socioecological approach to community health . the Ottawa Charter, the Jakarta Declaration and the Bangkok Charter are included as contemporary health promotion guidelines for practice . extensive references providing current, specific source information . an emphasis on health literacy, intervention and health promotion . an evolving case study in each chapter, with links to reflective activities . a focus on learning outcomes to facilitate the integration of policy, research and practice . exploration of Australian and New Zealand nursing and midwifery roles in primary health care practice . strong pedagogy to increase engagement and emphasise key community health issues . reflective exercises and action points encouraging readers to consider key issues, their implications and next steps . research studies exemplifying each chapter's central theme and promoting evidencebased practice

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Authors N/A
Brand Churchill Livingstone
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780729582230
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A