CRC Press ebook Structural Analysis: Principles, Methods and Modelling

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sku: 9781482223545

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  • ISBN: 9781482223545
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Provides Step-by-Step Instruction Principles, Methods and Modelling outlines the fundamentals involved in analyzing engineering structures, and effectively presents the derivations used for analytical and numerical formulations. This text explains practical and relevant concepts, and lays down the foundation for a solid mathematical background that incorporates MATLAB? (no prior knowledge of MATLAB is necessary), and includes numerous worked examples. Effectively Analyze Engineering Structures Divided into four parts, the text focuses on the analysis of statically determinate structures. It evaluates basic concepts and procedures, examines the classical methods for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures, and explores the stiffness method of analysis that reinforces most computer applications and commercially available structural analysis software. In addition, it covers advanced topics that include the finite element method, structural stability, and problems involving material nonlinearity.

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Authors N/A
Brand CRC Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781482223545
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A