Elsevier ebook Anatomy and Human Movement 8E

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sku: 9780443113949

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  • ISBN: 9780443113949
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Since its first publication in 1989, Anatomy and Human Movement has become the seminal textbook for physiotherapy and occupational therapy students in both the UK and internationally. This eighth edition has been fully updated by Professor Emeritus Roger Soames to incorporate the latest evidence and practice. It provides a clear and detailed account of musculoskeletal structure and function, with self-contained modules, multiple choice questions, illustrations and electronic ancillaries to support both learning and teaching. The book will be invaluable for anyone needing to learn and remember how movement takes place, including students of sport and exercise sciences, orthopaedic health, chiropody and podiatry, chiropractic and osteopathy, and complementary medicine. It is also suitable for practising clinicians wishing to refresh their knowledge of functional anatomy.

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Authors N/A
Brand Elsevier
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780443113949
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A