Elsevier ebook Darby & Walsh Dental Hygiene 6E: Theory and Practice

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sku: 9780323933032

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  • ISBN: 9780323933032
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Darby & Walsh Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice, 6th Edition offers everything you need to succeed in your coursework and clinical and professional practice. No other dental hygiene foundational text incorporates clinical competencies, theory, and evidence-based practice in such an approachable way. All discussions — from foundational concepts to diagnosis to pain management — are presented within the context of a unique person-centered model that takes the entire person into consideration. A veritable who’s-who of dental hygiene educators, practitioners, and researchers cite the latest studies throughout the text to provide a framework to help you in your decision-making and problem-solving. New to this edition is an increased focus on new and emerging technologies, enhanced coverage of infection control in the time of COVID-19, and new chapters on telehealth and teledentistry and mental health and self-care.

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Authors N/A
Brand Elsevier
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780323933032
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A