F.A. Davis Company ebook Joint Structure and Function 6E

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sku: 9780803699830

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  • ISBN: 9780803699830
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Joint Structure & Function, 6th Edition and Kinesiology in Action work together to create an interactive learning experience that teaches students the knowledge and skills to effectively evaluate and treat human movement disorders.

The text provides comprehensive foundational knowledge. Online resources equip instructors with the lesson plans and activities they need to create active classroom where students can apply what they’re learning. Kinesiology in Action tracks student progress and assesses their knowledge in real time until they’ve mastered the must-know concepts.

Text - Joint Structure & Function; A Comprehensive Analysis, 6th Edition

This popular text offers the clear, logical discussions of joint structure and muscle action, combined with an evidence-based approach needed to understand joint dynamics in both health and disease.

Kinesiology in Action - KinesiologyInAction.com

This interactive, online program guides students step by step through an immersive multimedia experience that tracks their progress until they’ve mastered the concepts and are ready to apply them in practice. An access code inside new printed texts unlocks Kinesiology in Action.

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Authors N/A
Brand F.A. Davis Company
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780803699830
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A