Human Kinetics ebook RENTAL 180 DAYS Secrets of Successful Program Design

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sku: 9781492593232R180

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  • ISBN: 9781492593232R180
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Your success as a fitness professional depends on your ability to reliably deliver results to clients. In Secrets of Successful Program Design: A How-To Guide for Busy Fitness Professionals, noted fitness and program design expert Alwyn Cosgrove and his director of programming, Craig Rasmussen, share Alwyn’s proven system for creating programs that take clients from where they are to where they want to be. You’ll learn how to properly assess a client and design the most effective program based on their individual goal—whether that is fat loss, muscle and strength building, or improved overall conditioning. You’ll also learn how to customize the training experience of your client on the fly, effectively progressing and regressing exercises according to day-to-day fluctuations in abilities and needs. This will ensure you are delivering the best results possible for each client every time they train. This guide to building training programs is supplemented with a selection of predesigned workouts that will draw on your skills for progressing and regressing exercises, saving you valuable time and energy while still allowing you to produce a personalized experience for your client. A reliable system-based approach to program design that consistently delivers results to every client—regardless of demographic profile, ability, or goals—will set your training business up for success in the incredibly competitive fitness market. CE exam available! For certified professionals, a companion continuing education exam can be completed after reading this book. The Secrets of Successful Program Design Online CE Exam may be purchased separately or as part of the Secrets of Successful Program Design With CE Exam package that includes both the book and the exam.

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Authors N/A
Brand Human Kinetics
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781492593232R180
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A