ebook - Australian Taxation 3E

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sku: 9781394225767

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  • ISBN: 9781394225767
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Australian Taxation

Now updated to reflect the changes to the 2023/2024 tax rates and the May 2023 budget, the text is concise and to the point, easy to digest and applied rather than legalistic. It aims to demystify legal jargon and legal technicality without sacrificing essentialcore legal knowledge and meaning. Importantly, it provides the requisite foundation for business students who intend to later undertake the professional programs of either CPA Australia or CA ANZ. This new edition discusses ethics and technology including cryptocurrency examples in every chapter. New features include more content on diversity and inclusion with a focus on indigenous content.

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Authors N/A
Brand John Wiley & Sons
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781394225767
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A