John Wiley & Sons ebook Paradise Lost 2E

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sku: 9780393617177

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  • ISBN: 9780393617177
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“Teskey’s revised edition is as open as it is authoritative. There’s a genuine reverence for the poetic wisdom of Paradise Lost conveyed in these pages, and an equal sense that this is a poem we should be wrangling with on matters of race, religion, politics, and gender. New critical selections in each of those areas, augmented annotations, and a quick-reference Glossary of Names make this an ideal edition for learning—and for luxuriating in—this monumental poem.” —RAYNA KALAS, Cornell University This Norton Critical Edition includes: The 1674 text of Paradise Lost, with emendations and adoptions from the first edition and from the scribal manuscript. Spelling and punctuation have been modernized for student readers. An illuminating introduction and abundant explanatory annotations by Gordon Teskey. Source and background materials, including Milton’s greatest prose work, Areopagitica, in its entirety and key selections from the Bible. Topically arranged commentaries and interpretations—seventy-eight in all, thirty-nine of them new to the Second Edition—from classic assessments to current scholarship. A glossary of names and suggestions for further reading. About the Series Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format—annotated text, contexts, and criticism—helps students to better understand, analyze, and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.

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Authors N/A
Brand John Wiley & Sons
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ISBN 9780393617177
Publication Date N/A
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