Kogan Page ebook Fundamentals of Risk Management 4E

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sku: 9780749479626

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  • ISBN: 9780749479626
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Fundamentals of Risk Management, now in its fourth edition, is a comprehensive introduction to commercial and business risk for students and a broad range of risk professionals. Providing extensive coverage of the core frameworks of business continuity planning, enterprise risk management and project risk management, this is the definitive guide to dealing with the different types of risk an organization faces. With relevant international case examples from both the private and public sectors, this revised edition of Fundamentals of Risk Management is completely aligned to ISO 31000 and provides a full analysis of changes in contemporary risk areas including supply chain, cyber risk, risk culture and improvements in risk management documentation and statutory risk reporting.

Fundamentals of Risk Management has been fully updated to reflect the development of risk management standards and practice, in particular business continuity standards, regulatory developments, risks to reputation and the business model, changes in enterprise risk management (ERM), loss control and the value of insurance as a risk management method. Also including a thorough overview of the international risk management standards and frameworks, strategy and policy, this book is the definitive professional text for risk managers.

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Authors N/A
Brand Kogan Page
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780749479626
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A