Macmillan Science & Education ebook Our Voices 2E: Aboriginal Social Work

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sku: 9781352004106

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  • ISBN: 9781352004106
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The second edition of Our Voices is a ground-breaking collection of writings from Aboriginal social work educators who have collaborated to develop a toolkit of appropriate behaviours, interactions, networks, and intervention. The the text explores a range of current and emerging social work practice issues such as cultural supervision, working with communities, understanding trauma, collaboration and relationship building, and the ubiquity of whiteness in Australian social work. It covers these issues with new and innovative approaches and provides valuable insights into how social work practice can be developed, taught and practiced in ways that more effectively engage Indigenous communities.

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Authors N/A
Brand Macmillan Science & Education
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781352004106
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A