Medical Information Science Reference ebook Design and Quality Considerations for Developing Mobil

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sku: 9781799838340

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  • ISBN: 9781799838340
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Medication management is an essential component of therapeutic success in the treatment of chronic diseases. However, patients who do not regularly take their prescribed medications are a primary concern of health systems worldwide. A significant proportion of patients on chronic medications fail to adhere to their treatments, and suboptimal adherence leads to dire clinical and financial consequences on the personal level. Moreover, non-adherence can adversely impact public healthcare costs and the clinical outcomes of patients. Design and Quality Considerations for Developing Mobile Apps for Medication Management: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a collection of innovative research that combines theory and practice on optimizing strategies to improve medication adherence and overall health and wellbeing in patients through the design of usable and reliable mobile app-based systems. Highlighting a broad range of topics including pharmaceutical care, quality assessment, and health behavior frameworks, this book is ideally designed for clinicians, pharmacists, healthcare providers, programmers, software developers, researchers, academicians, and students.

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Authors N/A
Brand Medical Information Science Reference
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781799838340
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A