Oxford University Press ANZ ebook Media Law 3e

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sku: 9780190323875

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  • ISBN: 9780190323875
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Media Law

Media Law: Cases Materials and Commentary is an engaging and accessible introduction to the dynamic area of media law. It examines the basic principles of the substantive areas of law affecting the practice of contemporary media organisations including defamation, invasion of privacy and freedom of information. Using carefully selected excerpts from recent cases and legislation and insightful author commentary, the book introduces important media concepts and helps readers put these into both legal and cultural contexts. The second edition incorporates critical perspectives from a range of academic disciplines including media and cultural studies to offer conceptual frameworks in which Australian media law can be understood and interpreted.

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Authors N/A
Brand Oxford University Press ANZ
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780190323875
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A