
Oxford University Press ANZ ebook RENTAL 180 DAYS Communicating in the Health Sciences 3

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sku: 9780190327293R180

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  • ISBN: 9780190327293R180
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Communicating in the Health Sciences introduces students to the nature and importance of communication in the health sciences, with comprehensive coverage of all the written, electronic, visual and interpersonal communication skills essential for professions in the health sciences. This new edition has been completely restructured with a more logical flow, building skills and giving students the best access to information. NEW TO THIS EDITION New Structure: This edition has been completely restructured so that it flows more logically. Part 1 and Part 2 cover the communication skills required in an academic/tertiary setting. Part 3 and Part 4 cover the communication skills required when communicating with colleagues, patients/clients and carers in a professional environment. Part 5 covers more advanced professional communication skills – thesis writing, writing papers for journals and preparing posters. New chapter on ‘Digital Communication in a Networked World’. New pedagogical features: key terms and margin note definitions.