Oxford University Press Australia ebook Commercial Applications of Company Law 2020

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sku: 9780190323936

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  • ISBN: 9780190323936
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Commercial Applications of Company Law 2020 makes corporate law accessible to practitioners and students by putting the law in context. It focuses on typical events and issues experienced by companies and their advisers, explaining and applying the law in a manner that is understandable and relevant. This textbook guides readers through complex legislation and contemporary issues with expert commentary, while practically demonstrating how company law shapes business planning and decision-making. The new edition has been updated to reflect current legislative and case law developments. KEY FEATURES Case studies including two running case studies involving a listed public company and a large proprietary company Problem sets to help readers apply legal principles to real-life situations Sample company documents to familiarise readers with the tools they will use in the workplace Legislative extracts with important provisions from the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth) Table of cases, Table of legislation, and Index to assist with navigating the text.

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Authors N/A
Brand Oxford University Press Australia
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780190323936
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A