Oxford University Press ebook Understanding Human Communication 15E

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sku: 9780197615676

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  • ISBN: 9780197615676
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Understanding Human Communication addresses students' perception that they already know how to communicate--an issue faced by every faculty member. By artfully weaving cutting-edge academic research and theory into the clear, down-to-earth, and student-friendly narrative, the authors help students understand the complexity and depth of human communication and public speaking. The series of concepts builds logically through the chapter sequence, enabling students to further deepen their communication skills as they progress through the book. By accessing the text's integrated digital resources--contemporary and brief video clips; tutorials; and self-assessments---students will be able to see concepts applied in real scenarios, making their learning more meaningful.

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Authors N/A
Brand Oxford University Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780197615676
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A