Palgrave Macmillan ebook Pathways in Crime

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sku: 9783319752266

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  • ISBN: 9783319752266
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This book introduces a novel approach to analysing and mapping criminal behaviours. Every crime occurs as a chain of behaviours and events, from inception and preparation through to commission and exit from the crime scene. These pathways in crime are complex, dynamic sequences that are by their very nature difficult to analyse. Keatley provides a clear and coherent introduction to Behaviour Sequence Analysis, and the chapters address a wide range of criminal offences, from deception in interrogations through to sexual assaults, serial homicide, and terrorism. Interesting additional similarities between Behaviour Sequence Analysis and other well-known methods, such as crime linkage, crime script analysis, and T-Pattern Analysis are also outlined in detail. Academic researchers in Forensic Psychology and Criminology, as well as applied practitioners and investigators will find this an invaluable book, and will gain clear insight and understanding into the method in order to apply it to their own cases.

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Authors N/A
Brand Palgrave Macmillan
Edition N/A
ISBN 9783319752266
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A