Pearson Education ebook Becoming a Teacher 7E

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sku: 9781488620263

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  • ISBN: 9781488620263
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This classic text is known and trusted for being a practical, user-friendly, and approachable introduction to the profession of teaching. These hallmark features are continued and strengthened in the new edition. The 7th Edition provides multiple and diverse opportunities for students to link theory to practice, underpinning industry requirements and preparing preservice teachers for the challenges they face in 21st-century classrooms. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. Scaffolded content with a broad range of opportunities to apply and test learning: Learning Objectives: The Learning Objectives (LOs) set out what you should know and be able to do after reading the chapter. You will find LOs) listed at the beginning of each chapter, in the order in which they appear in the chapter, with one LO for every main section of the chapter. AITSL Standards: The AITSL Standards addressed in each chapter are listed at the start of every chapter. Reflection: Opportunities for Reflection are provided at the end of each main section of every chapter. These features are designed to encourage reflective thinking and to help you check your understanding of the topics that have been discussed. Key terms: Key terms appear in bold type in the text and are accompanied by a brief definition in the margin. In digital versions, the definition can be accessed by selecting the word/s. Summary: Linked to Learning Objectives, the Summary presents the main ideas covered in the chapter. This feature can be used to help you check your own learning. Questions: A series of short questions, linked to Learning Objectives, will help you test your understanding of the key topics covered in the chapter. Case studies: A realistic scenario that addresses key themes from the chapter is provided, together with an opportunity to apply these themes practically. The Case study concludes with questions designed to encourage reflection on the chapter content and to solidify your understanding of what has been explored. Glossary: A list of all the key terms included in the text, and their definitions, is provided in the Glossary. New to the 7th edition: New author team with current teaching experience and a preservice teacher approach: Current trends, references and ways of teaching for preservice teachers in the 2020s and beyond, List of AITSL Standards addressed included at the start of each chapter, including the implications moving forward as outlined in the Alice Spring (Mparntwe) Declaration of 2019. Content reorganised to align with the way topics are covered for today’s learners: Revised Table of Contents focuses on the different ways in which teachers can support student learning in all aspects of their professional lives, Consistent and streamlined pedagogical feature set: Learning objectives and AITSL teacher standards A short ‘Reflection’ at the end of each section ‘Classroom practice’ which offers insights into real-world teaching Key terms are in margins and as end of book glossary End of chapter material now contains: an extended Summary divided into clear sections, short-form questions, a case study with follow-up questions, references. SamplesDownload the detailed table of contents  Preview sample pages from Becoming a Teacher

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Authors N/A
Brand Pearson Education
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781488620263
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A