Pearson Education ebook Behavior Management: Pearson New International Edition

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sku: 9781292034782

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  • ISBN: 9781292034782
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For undergraduate and graduate courses in Behavior Management, Classroom Management, or Applied Behavior Analysis.


This comprehensive text outlines and overviews the measurement, assessment, and intervention of behavior challenges commonly found in classroom environments and beyond.


The revised sixth edition of Behavior Management: Positive Applications for Teachers outlines both school-wide strategies and individual strategies for positive behavior supports, while also focusing on how educators can develop unique behavior management strategies for individual students. This comprehensive text emphasizes functional techniques, real-world classrooms, and practical information — all while covering the legal aspects of behavioral management, assessment strategies, strategies for special populations and diverse populations, age-related behavioral concerns, and the three-tier response-to-intervention approach. Pedagogical features include classroom connections, reflections, discussion questions, and end-of-chapter references.

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Authors N/A
Brand Pearson Education
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781292034782
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A