Pearson Education ebook Management Accounting for Decision Makers

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sku: 9781292349510

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  • ISBN: 9781292349510
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For Management Accounting modules on undergraduate and MBA courses. Understand management accounting principles and techniques, and develop skills to make informed business decisions Management Accounting for Decision Makers 10th Edition by Peter Atrill and Eddie McLaney teaches you how to make the best choices in business and management roles, and introduces you to essential management accounting concepts and methods with a focus on their significance to real-life decision making. It has never been more important for businesses to operate within a framework of strategic planning and decision making. This popular text makes management accounting relevant and practical through its use of real numerical accounting techniques, an increased number of exercises that encourage you to learn in an active way, and through a range of relevant, real-world examples, many of which are new to this edition.

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Authors N/A
Brand Pearson Education
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781292349510
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A