Red Globe Press ebook Economics of Development 10E

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sku: 9781137577955

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  • ISBN: 9781137577955
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This classic, bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of development economics. The tenth edition of Tony Thirlwall’s book, now co-written with Penélope Pacheco-López, provides a clear, comprehensive and rigorous introduction to the theory of development economics and the experience of developing countries. Balancing a historic approach with current data and references, it provides a wide-ranging analysis of the subject. This all-inclusive methodology succeeds at representing different schools of thought with a balance of micro and macro topics. An ideal textbook for undergraduate students of economics and other social sciences, it is also suitable for upper undergraduate and master's level modules on development economics as an option on a non-economics degree.

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Authors N/A
Brand Red Globe Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781137577955
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A