Red Globe Press ebook RENTAL 180 DAYS Health Economics

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sku: 9781137029973R180

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  • ISBN: 9781137029973R180
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Health Economics

Comprehensive in coverage this textbook, written by academics from leading institutions, discusses current developments and debates in modern health economics from an international perspective. Economic models are presented in detail, complemented by real-life explanations and analysis, and discussions of the influence of such theories on policymaking. Offering sound pedagogy and economic rigor, Health Economics focuses on building intuition alongside appropriate mathematical formality, translating technical language into accessible economic narrative. Rather than shying away from intellectual building blocks, students are introduced to technical and theoretical foundations and encouraged to apply these to inform empirical studies and wider policymaking. Health Economics provides: - A broad scope, featuring comparative health policy and empirical examples from around the world to help students relate the principles of health economics to everyday life - Coverage of topical issues such as the obesity epidemic, economic epidemiology, socioeconomic health disparities, and behavioural economics - A rich learning resource, complete with hundreds of exercises to help solidify and extend understanding. This book is designed for advanced undergraduate courses in health economics and policy but may also interest postgraduate students in economics, medicine and health policy.

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Authors N/A
Brand Red Globe Press
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781137029973R180
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A