'The distilled wisdom and passion of top practitioners makes this an invaluable guide to making radio in Australia.' - Siobhan McHugh, award-winning radio feature producer and lecturer, University of Wollongong 'a very useful hands-on guide to radio production in Australia' - Gail Phillips, Associate Professor of Journalism, Murdoch University 'Making Radio has been a core text for all our radio courses since it was written. It covers everything form the basics you need to know when you begin your radio career, to high level skills required for career advancement.' - Kim Becherand, AFTRS Radio Division Making radio programs gets into your blood: it's one of the most stimulating jobs in the world, in a fast-moving industry, at the cutting edge of digital technology. Making Radio is a practical guide for anyone who wants to learn how to make good radio in the era of Radio 2.0. It examines the key roles in radio: announcing, presenting, research, copywriting, producing, marketing and promotions. It also outlines what is involved in creating different types of radio programs: news and current affairs, music, talkback, comedy and WC features, as well as legal and regulatory constraints. With contributions from industry experts, the third edition reflects the impact of digital radio, including multi-platform delivery, listener databases, social media and online marketing. It also examines how radio stations have reinvented their business models to accommodate the rapid changes in communications and listener expectations.