Routledge ebook Learning for Themselves

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sku: 9780415486996

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  • ISBN: 9780415486996
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In a world of rapidly changing knowledge which requires new and transferable skills, classrooms are increasingly being viewed as places where pupils learn how to learn. In order to help pupils develop new skills, teachers must encourage them to work independently and manage themselves as learners. Learning for Themselves offers teachers a repertoire of effective strategies and frameworks to nurture independent learning. The chapters are organised into four broad areas: learning preferences thinking inquiry personal challenges. Each section includes learning tasks covering commonly addressed topics in primary school curriculums, with each task designed to be adapted by students and teachers to suit particular interests and a range of teaching and learning goals. Photocopiable learning proformas for each task, and additional proforma resources are included to assist teachers and pupils when planning, managing, monitoring and keeping records associated with independent learning. Saving valuable planning time for teachers, this book offers a creative and effective way to encourage pupil's independence and will appeal to all teachers who aim to equip their pupils with transferable skills.

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Authors N/A
Brand Routledge
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780415486996
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A