Routledge ebook Messages: An Introduction to Communication

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sku: 9781315424712

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  • ISBN: 9781315424712
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This brief introductory textbook to the field of communication offers the advantages of Arthur Asa Berger’s informal writing style and flair for popular culture examples aimed to engage students. Designed for the basic course in communication departments, Berger introduces the key theorists who shaped our concepts of communication while also describing the varied processes and settings in which communication occurs. Messages is a strong option for instructors who want a student-friendly alternative to the standard encyclopedic textbook.This text:•Contains chapters on key contemporary topics such as social media, communication and identity, and visual communication •Includes accessible popular cultural examples ranging from advertisements to folk tales to James Bond films, all based on Berger’s years of expertise as an author and scholar in mass media and popular culture•Incorporates useful pedagogical features such as exercises, quotes from key theorists, and cartoons

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Authors N/A
Brand Routledge
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781315424712
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A