Routledge ebook Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

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sku: 9781317244318

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  • ISBN: 9781317244318
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This outstanding new handbook offers unique coverage of all aspects of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Compiled by the world’s leading clinician-researchers, and written by an exceptional team of international contributors, the book is vast in scope, including chapters on the many and varied components of neuropsychological rehabilitation across the life span within one volume. Divided into sections, the first part looks at general issues in neuropsychological rehabilitation including theories and models, assessment and goal setting. The book goes on to examine the different populations referred for neuropsychological rehabilitation and then focuses on the rehabilitation of first cognitive and then psychosocial disorders. New and emerging approaches such as brain training and social robotics are also considered, alongside an extensive section on rehabilitation around the world, particularly in under-resourced settings. The final section offers some general conclusions and an evaluation of the key issues in this important field. This is a landmark publication for neuropsychological rehabilitation. It is the standalone reference text for the field as well as essential reading for all researchers, students and practitioners in clinical neuropsychology, clinical psychology, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy. It will also be of great value to those in related professions such as neurologists, rehabilitation physicians, rehabilitation psychologists and medics.

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Authors N/A
Brand Routledge
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781317244318
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A