Routledge ebook Renewable Energy Resources 4E

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sku: 9780429838873

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  • ISBN: 9780429838873
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Renewable Energy Resources is a numerate and quantitative text. It covers the many renewables technologies implemented worldwide by harnessing sustainable resources, mitigating pollution and climate change, and providing cost effective services. This fourth edition is extensively updated by John Twidell with global developments as underpinned by fundamental analysis and illustrated by case studies and worked examples. Efficiency of end-use and cost-effectiveness is emphasized. Each chapter begins with fundamental scientific theory, and then considers applications, environmental impact and socio-economic aspects, before concluding with Quick Questions for self-revision, Problems and new Exercises. Basic theory underlying the technologies is covered in succinct Reviews of electrical power, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and solid-state physics. Common symbols and cross-referencing apply throughout; essential data are tabulated in Appendices. Renewable Energy Resources supports multidisciplinary master’s degrees in science and engineering, and specialist modules at undergraduate level. Practicing scientists and engineers will find it a useful introductory text and reference book.

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Authors N/A
Brand Routledge
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780429838873
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A