Routledge ebook Strategic Marketing Planning 2E

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sku: 9781136435249

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  • ISBN: 9781136435249
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Strategic Marketing Planning

Strategic Marketing Planning concentrates on the critical planning aspects that are of vital importance to practitioners and students alike. It has a clear structure that offers a digest of the five principal dimensions of the strategic marketing planning process. Leading authors in this sector, Gilligan and Wilson offer current thinking in marketing and consider the changes it has undergone over the past few years. Updated information in this new edition includes: * Changing corporate perspectives on the role of strategic marketing activity * Changing social structures and the rise of social tribes * The significance of the new consumer and how the new consumer needs to be managed * New thinking on market segmentation * Changing routes to market * Developments in e-marketing * Changing environmental structures and pressures

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Authors N/A
Brand Routledge
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781136435249
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A