Saunders ebook Orthopedic Physical Assessment

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sku: 9780323550697

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  • ISBN: 9780323550697
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Build your skills in the assessment of musculoskeletal pathology! Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 7th Edition covers the principles of assessment for all of the body’s structures and joints, including topics such as gait, posture, the head and face, amputees, primary care, and sports emergencies. The 7th edition offers additional functional assessment forms (e-tools), updated evidence-based reliability and validity tables, and hundreds of video clips demonstrating special tests on how to perform musculoskeletal assessment. Written by noted PT educators David J. Magee and Robert C. Manske, this reference uses a systematic, evidence-based approach to prepare you for success in clinicals, board exams, and in rehabilitation practice.

  • Over 2,500 full-color illustrations and photographs depict key concepts, along with assessment techniques and special tests.
  • At-a-glance icons show the clinical utility of special tests, supplemented by updated, evidence-based reliability and validity tables for tests and techniques
  • Quick-reference data includes hundreds of summary boxes, red-flag and yellow-flag boxes, differential diagnosis tables, muscle and nerve tables, and classification, normal values, and grading tables.
  • Summary (Précis) of Assessment in each chapter serves as a review of assessment steps.
  • Combined with other books in the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation series — Scientific Foundations and Principles of PracticePathology and Intervention, and Athletic and Sports Issues — this book provides you with the knowledge and background necessary to assess and treat musculoskeletal conditions.

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Authors N/A
Brand Saunders
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780323550697
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A