Sinauer Associates ebook RENTAL 4YR Learning and Behavior

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sku: 9781605356129R1460

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  • ISBN: 9781605356129R1460
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Research on fundamental learning processes continues to tell an important and interesting story. In the second edition of Learning and Behavior: A Contemporary Synthesis, Mark Bouton recounts that story, providing an in-depth but highly readable review of modern learning and behavior theory that is informed by the history of the field. The text reflects the author's conviction that the study of animal learning has a central place in psychology, and that understanding its principles and theories is important for students, psychologists, and scientists in related disciplines (e.g., behavioral neuroscience and clinical psychology).

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Authors N/A
Brand Sinauer Associates
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781605356129R1460
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A