Sinauer Associates ebook RENTAL 4YR Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy

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sku: 9781605357201R1460

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  • ISBN: 9781605357201R1460
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Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy, Fifth Edition helps the reader get started in creating phylogenetic trees from protein or nucleic acid sequence data. Although aimed at molecular and cell biologists, who may not be familiar with phylogenetic or evolutionary theory, it also serves students who have a theoretical understanding of phylogenetics but need guidance in transitioning to a practical application of the methodology. The reader is led, step by step, through identifying and acquiring the sequences to be included in a tree, aligning the sequences, estimating the tree by one of several methods, and drawing the tree for presentation to an intended audience. "Learn More" boxes present background on the various concepts and methods. Note: Files needed for working through the tutorials in the text, as well as additional software that facilitates some of the methods discussed, can be accessed via the Ancillary Resource Center link on this page.

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Authors N/A
Brand Sinauer Associates
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781605357201R1460
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A