Springer ebook Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis

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sku: 9783540722441

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  • ISBN: 9783540722441
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Most of the observable phenomena in the empirical sciences are of a multivariate nature.In financial studies, assets in stock markets are observed simultaneously and their joint development is analyzed to better understand general tendencies and to track indices. In medicine recorded observations of subjects in different locations are the basis of reliable diagnoses and medication. In quantitative marketing consumer preferences are collected in order to construct models of consumer behavior. The underlying theoretical structure of these and many other quantitative studies of applied sciences is multivariate. Focussing on applications this book presents the tools and concepts of multivariate data analysis in a way that is understandable for non-mathematicians and practitioners who face statistical data analysis. In this second edition a wider scope of methods and applications of multivariate statistical analysis is introduced. All quantlets have been translated into the R and Matlab language and are made available online.

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Authors N/A
Brand Springer
Edition N/A
ISBN 9783540722441
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A