Springer ebook Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R

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sku: 9780387874586

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  • ISBN: 9780387874586
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Building on the successful Analysing Ecological Data (2007) by Zuur, Ieno and Smith, the authors now provide an expanded introduction to using regression and its extensions in analysing ecological data. As with the earlier book, real data sets from postgraduate ecological studies or research projects are used throughout. The first part of the book is a largely non-mathematical introduction to linear mixed effects modelling, GLM and GAM, zero inflated models, GEE, GLMM and GAMM. The second part provides ten case studies that range from koalas to deep sea research. These chapters provide an invaluable insight into analysing complex ecological datasets, including comparisons of different approaches to the same problem.

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Authors N/A
Brand Springer
Edition N/A
ISBN 9780387874586
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A