Springer ebook Multivariate Geostatistics

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sku: 9783662052945

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  • ISBN: 9783662052945
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This fully revised third edition introduces geostatistics by emphasising the multivariate aspects for scientists, engineers and statisticians. Geostatistics offers a variety of models, methods and techniques for the analysis, estimation and display of multivariate data distributed in space or time. The text contains a brief review of statistical concepts, a detailed introduction to linear geostatistics, and an account of 3 basic methods of multivariate analysis. Applications from different areas of science, as well as exercises with solutions, are provided to help convey the general ideas. The introductory chapter has been divided into two separate sections for clarity. The final section deals with non-stationary geostatistics.

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Authors N/A
Brand Springer
Edition N/A
ISBN 9783662052945
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A