THE GUILFORD PRESS ebook Best Practices in Writing Instruction, Third Edition

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sku: 9781462538010

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  • ISBN: 9781462538010
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Well established as a definitive text--and now revised and updated with eight new chapters--this book translates cutting-edge research into effective guidelines for teaching writing in grades K–12. Illustrated with vivid classroom examples, the book identifies the components of a complete, high-quality writing program. Leading experts provide strategies for teaching narrative and argumentative writing; using digital tools; helping students improve specific skills, from handwriting and spelling to sentence construction; teaching evaluation and revision; connecting reading and writing instruction; teaching vulnerable populations; using assessment to inform instruction; and more. New to This Edition *Chapters on new topics: setting up the writing classroom and writing from informational source material. *New chapters on core topics: narrative writing, handwriting and spelling, planning, assessment, special-needs learners, and English learners. *Increased attention to reading–writing connections and using digital tools. *Incorporates the latest research and instructional procedures. See also Handbook of Writing Research, Second Edition, edited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald, which provides a comprehensive overview of writing research that informs good practice.

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ISBN 9781462538010
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