Thieme Medical Publishers ebook Clinical Voice Disorders 4E

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sku: 9781638530497

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  • ISBN: 9781638530497
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A multimedia reference for current approaches in assessment and treatment

The fourth edition of Clinical Voice Disorders is an up-to-date, practical reference for the management of voice disorders caused by structural and neurologic etiologies, as well as psychogenic disorders. The book provides a solid foundation for understanding the relationship between biology and clinical assessment; how neuromechanism relates to disorders; and the complex nature of behavioral voice disorders and treatment.

An expanded collection of clinical case studies provides the valuable opportunity to work through real-life examples of frequently encountered problems. New to this edition is a DVD-ROM with videos that provide a window into clinical interviewing, enabling viewers to observe Dr. Aronson's techniques and approaches to therapy. Additional chapters on the DVD-ROM present the evolution and embryology of the larynx and respiratory system, covering vital respiration, respiration for speech, and the anatomy and physiology of phonation. Demonstrations of vocal fold vibratory patterns, stroboscopic examples of various pathologies, and audio samples of dysarthric voices enable clinicians to apply concepts presented in the text.

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Authors N/A
Brand Thieme Medical Publishers
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781638530497
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A