Thieme Medical Publishers ebook Laryngeal Function and Voice Disorders

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sku: 9781638534211

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  • ISBN: 9781638534211
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Laryngeal Function and Voice Disorders: Basic Science to Clinical Practice by renowned experts Christopher Watts and Shaheen Awan focuses on the latest developments in the assessment and management of voice disorders. New ASHA practice recommendations are included in accessible, digestible, and didactic content. This unique multimedia resource merges historical facts and experiential understanding with recent advances in scientific knowledge and evidence-based practice patterns.

The book includes discussion of the anatomical, physiological, acoustic, aerodynamic, and imaging science informing the understanding of vocal function in normal and disordered states. Major technical components of voice evaluation are covered, including perceptual analyses, acoustic analyses, aerodynamic analyses, and laryngeal visualization.

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Authors N/A
Brand Thieme Medical Publishers
Edition N/A
ISBN 9781638534211
Publication Date N/A
Publisher N/A